Life as a Systems Analyst Posted in Life by djarrett on 07/24/2013 08:31 PM

So I came to a realization about 5 minutes ago, and that is this, that barring me becoming some sort of high powered CEO, or coming up with a new patent, I've pretty much found my job. I plan on being here for quite awhile, moving up and enjoying every day. I never knew when I first used an IBM compatible computer back in middle school that this is how it would turn out. My curiosity from wanting to know how applications work has led to a full-time position doing that very thing.

This, joined by the fact that I have found my soulmate, is making me unbelievably happy. I can't believe it's come to this, after 2012 starting off so shitty, I didn't know how I would make it. But I have, and I've come out of everything happy and in love. I don't think there's much more to life than enjoying the people around you and making them happy. I'll spend all my days doing that now, guaranteed because I have found my career.



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