welcome :.


Hello there!

Welcome to my website. Here you can find information on my projects, writing, music, and anything else that I'm up to. Major site updates/changes will be reflected here, general news appears below. There is no blog here, and no javascript, flash or anything else fancy. Everything is done in good old fashioned CSS and perl. If this isn't your thing, please feel free to leave. Yes, I said perl. Please install the latest version of your browser to view this site in all its glory.

what's new? :.

13 Jan 2013

If you noticed the site looks a little different, that's because I redesigned the whole thing from scratch using CSS and perl! The nice thing about CSS is that it made a whole lot of HTML go away, making maintenance super easy. Someday I will move from perl to PHP, but for now things are good. Plus, I learned some of the basics of CSS, so I guess that's cool. I will still need some time to update the other sections of the site, but I think this is a good start. Other sections should be fairly simple to add, however. Stay tuned for further updates.

05 Jan 2013

I *finally* got around to updating my website, and here it is! If you're thinking that it looks just like my old site, you're right! I actually resurrected my old site, changed things up a little bit, and this is what I came up with. Note it's only temporary for now. Everything is html and perl, but I'd like to switch over to CSS and PHP. Web is not my kind of thing, however, so I don't know how long, or if it will take at all. We'll see how busy I am. Some kind of content management system would be A+, but I feel years away from that.

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